Thursday, December 22, 2011

A mountain.

There's a mountain growing,
beyond my knowing,

There's a mountain growing,
in my heart.

A mountain called love,
summit peaks
 the sky above.
but I'm too little to climb it,
too afraid to cast it into the sea,
for fear that I won't find it.

There's a mountain growing,
deep down in the organs of my being,
my soul, my spirit.
My every kind of interior art,
this mountain is bursting right out of my heart.

Reaching altitudes of fierce weather,
too high for my lungs alone, but together?
Perhaps with a friend,
We could journey the ascent.
Perhaps with a friend,
This mountain wouldn't seem so high.
So when it's time to climb,
Please give me the sign,
and we'll tackle this mountain together.

encompassing planet and stars,
elegant forms of beautiful art,
oh, what a great mountain you are.
Please, oh dear, mountain of love,
 don't break my heart.

Monday, October 17, 2011

In love with the idea of being in love

I'm in love! 
Well, I'm in love with the idea of being in love.

I've been searching, seeking, pinning for 'the one'.
I've been swiping left and right, playing guessing games of eenie, minee, mo.
Is he the one? No. Is he the one? Not even close.

Where is my Boaz? Where's my king David? 
He's not perfect, he sometimes cusses, I didn't like the pattern of his breathing,
Oh please, If Jesus himself asked me out even I wouldn't date him. 

I like bad boys, 
you know the ones.
With eyes on me,
this purified virgin
one in a million.
They smile and say
let's go on a date.
Hoping I'll say yes
they seek me out as their goddess.
Their idol of worship
to occupy their emptiness.

But I don't need them or their compliments or kisses or hugs.
The truth is I'm already in love with the idea of being in love.

To my future husband, I'd write letters
dreaming of him and I together.
Thinking I could pray him to me
believing I could jinks God's timing.

In my heart I was building
creating an idol of my own
made from pure ego
and the idea of being in love.

My idol began to build and build
higher and higher
along with my foolish love desire.

This idol i've created
in all my dating waiting
crowned me miss pageant purity
praying for my sparkly wedding ring
spitefully demanding that God owed me.

"I'll read my bible
I won't party
I'll be the first abstinent barbie
locked in a box
kept fresh and untouched.
Just one thing that I want in return"
this one thing I kept trying to earn.
"I'll wait
I won't date
But God you must promise to give me my soul mate,
prince charming, riding on a white horse, armor shining."
What was I thinking?
That my perfect record could earn me blessings?

But I don't really need a future husband at this point.
The truth is I'm too in love with the idea of being in love.

And as I continued down this spiral staircase of desire,
My heart began to weaken
and my seeking, searching, pinning for 'the one',
began to deceive me.
I had built a golden calf I called 'purity'
that was beginning to defile my inner being.

Even this can't complete me.
Even this can't fulfill me.
Even this idea of being in love will never truly satisfy my every dream.

What I really need goes beyond my desire to find romance and 'the one',
God, I must be more in love with you than the idea of being in love.

And with that declared the golden idol began to melt
Along with every fear of relationships I've ever felt.

Oh God, I'm more in love with you than the idea of being in love.
I surrender every idea of a man that I've ever dreamed up.
I give you my foolish hopes and imaginations.
white picket fence,
Tall, dark, handsome and french,
picture perfect man.

But even when that one has found me,
Even when I'm old and married
That doesn't change a thing
Thats not the purpose of the ring.

Darling, don't get me wrong, our love will be grand
but, there's just got to be more than walking hand in hand.
A greater purpose
His glory
His perfecting
Beyond our love for each other 
to be more in love with him than any other.

Oh, God, I'm more in love with you than the idea of being in love.
How wonderful you trust me,
enough to entrust me
with earthly relationships
with someone to share YOUR love with.
You trust me
not to make him an idol
You trust me 
not to act like a child.

Oh, God, oh how I'm so in love with you,
I'll keep seeking, searching, pinning for more of you.
You complete me.
You fill me up.
Oh, God, I'm more in love with you than the idea of being in love.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Incongruent heart

Heart, why do you give yourself away without a hand to take it?
Heart, why can you not seem to comprehend love is more than what you make it?
Heart, you're friendlier than me.
Heart, tell me your secrets, tell me how you love so easily.
You. Yes, eyes reading,
feeding upon my thoughts and feelings.
My heart says hello and wants to have coffee.
This is a weird poem.
Nothing even rhymes with poem.
Let's get deep.
Heart, read em and weep. 
Wait for a hand to sweep me off my feet..

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I am your pearl

I want to be distinguished,
 Something unique.
I want to be a treasure,
A novelty. 
I want to change the world. 
I want to be discovered by an explorer  
in search of a beautiful pearl,
 a rare thing, a priceless jewel. 
I want to be that pearl. 

Search well with eyes open,
World changer, when you find me,
Buy the field that I'm buried in,
We'll build a house and get married,
I'll change the world with you
The only girl for you
I'm a fool for you.
I am your pearl.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The edge of humanity

Oceans deep in raging sea, swallowing the weakest weak,
You and I both know it well, Soon He's coming tell it, tell.

Seas abounding, waves amass, right into the earth you crash.
Consuming all and all in reach, giving none and none to keep.

How long, how wide, how deep, how high is thy great beauty, strength of beauty.
Mightier than man can tame, symbol of name above names.

Oh great and awesome, power and love,
Ocean of thy hands above.

You're glory gives birth,
as waves collide earth,
Trembling, fearing the deepest of the deeps,
His love jealous love rushes to swallow me.

"I'm jealous for you. I'm zealous for you.
I'm into you, after you, waiting for you."

His face smiles a painting, a sunset, a romance,
His love sparks the ocean, a tune set, a slow dance.

Sitting on the edge of humanity,
Heaven at my toes, eternity at my feet.
Gazing at His face in sky,
Wanting more of Him than life.

No man nor machine can tare them down,
The Glory of Him, His heavenly crown.
Yes, the sky displays His majesty,
Wonder beyond wonder, spread out in tapestry.
Yes, plainly I tell you, the ocean is His masterpiece.
His everlasting, never ending, jealous-not sharing, love for me.

No man can contain it or change it or taint it-
Yes, that's His love for me, impossible not to believe,

It's His love for you,
That covers the earth.
His love, for the world.

Oceans deep in raging sea, swallowing the weakest weak,
Eating me from head to heart, washing out from end to start. 
You and I both know it well, Soon He's coming tell it, tell.